If heading out into open country after flocks of geese is your idea of the perfect day, there's no better place for your next goose trip than Maryland. Located in the heart of the Atlantic flyway, Maryland is considered the Canada Goose Hunting Capital of the World. Wintering over 500,000 Canada geese, Maryland's Eastern Shore is a goose hunter's paradise. Numbering in the millions, Maryland’s snow geese are another big draw for hunters.
Geese in Maryland
Geese in Maryland
The Canada and snow goose seasons last from early September through mid-February on varying dates. Migratory Canada geese can be found mainly on the Eastern Shore of Maryland during the season, while resident Canada geese can be found on the Western Shore as well. Due to a rise in snow geese numbers, there is a conservation season in December and one from February through April in which shotguns capable of holding more than three shells and electronic calls of light geese may be used.
For information on seasons, sizes and limits click HERE.
As the Canada Goose-Hunting Capital of the World, there’s no shortage of outlets to fill your bag. Coastal and offshore goose hunting is off-limits to non-residents, so the best way to hunt geese in Maryland is to hire a guide. With access to offshore blinds and private lands, along with a wealth of knowledge that will get you to the best hunting areas, guides are a visitor’s only chance to experience the best of what Maryland has to offer. If hunting with a stranger isn’t your idea of the perfect hunt, public lands open to non-residents will certainly bring you a plentiful harvest.
License and Regulations
Simple, quick, and at the palm of your hand, DNR’s app is the easiest way to for both residents and non-residents to get a Maryland hunting license. Download the app on your smartphone (MD DNR), click Apply for License, and enroll. From the app, you can also register any kills, post photos, and check for regulations updates. Or, you can apply for a license through Maryland Department of Natural Resources’ website.
A Regular Hunting License, Junior Hunting License, any Senior Hunting License, or a Nonresident (full term or short term) Hunting License is required to hunt migratory game birds in Maryland. All migratory game bird hunters, including those who are exempt from the hunting license requirement, must purchase a Maryland Migratory Game Bird Stamp. In addition, all waterfowl and coot hunters over the age of 15, including those who are exempt from the hunting license requirement, must purchase a Federal Migratory Bird Hunting and Conservation Stamp. For information on Licenses, Stamps, & Permits including descriptions, prices, and availability click HERE.
Visit the Maryland Department of Natural Resources’ website for a complete list of seasons and bag limits.
Money generated from the sale of licenses goes directly to the conservation, protection, and preservation of Maryland’s natural habitat and cherished wildlife. Maryland DNR works tirelessly to maintain a healthy population of fish and game, and the regulations needed to sustain fishing and hunting in Maryland. Changes in regulations, dates, and requirements vary year-to-year. Please check with DNR frequently for the most up-to-date information.