Understanding Snakehead Behavior

The northern snakehead (Channa argus) or now referred to as Chesapeake Channa is native to parts of Asia, but has become established in Maryland, particularly in the Chesapeake Bay watershed. They are voracious predators, capable of disrupting local fish populations due to their diverse diet and aggressive hunting methods. During the spawning season, which typically occurs from late spring to early summer, snakeheads become even more aggressive as they protect their nests and fry (young fish).

Protective Parenting 

Snakeheads are fiercely protective of their young. After laying eggs in nests constructed in shallow waters, both male and female snakeheads guard the nest vigorously. This parental care extends beyond hatching, with adults protecting their fry until they are large enough to fend for themselves. This aggression is an adaptive trait that ensures a higher survival rate for their offspring, but also makes snakeheads particularly combative during this period. Anglers can use this to their advantage, as protective snakeheads are more likely to strike at perceived threats, including fishing lures.

How to Spot Spawning Snakeheads

Locating spawning snakeheads requires knowledge of their preferred habitats and behaviors. Here are some tips to help you spot these fish:

  • Shallow, Vegetated Waters: Snakeheads prefer shallow, slow-moving waters with abundant vegetation. Look for areas with lily pads, submerged grasses and other aquatic plants.
  • Surface Activity: During spawning, you might notice increased surface activity. Snakeheads build nests in shallow water, often near the edges of rivers, creeks and ponds. The nests are typically circular patches cleared of vegetation.
  • Protective Behavior: If you spot an adult snakehead aggressively patrolling a specific area or attacking other fish and intruders, creating disturbances in the water with ripples and splashes, there is likely a nest nearby.
  • Groups of Fry: After hatching, snakehead fry remain in large, dense schools near the nest. These groups are often accompanied by one or both parents. If you see small, dark clouds of fry near the surface, you've likely found a spawning site.



 Fishing Techniques for Spawning Snakeheads

Once you've located a potential spawning area, employing the right techniques can increase your chances of a successful catch. Use topwater lures that mimic the movement of prey, such as frog imitations, buzzbaits, and poppers, which are particularly effective at provoking snakeheads into attacking. Since snakeheads prefer dense vegetation, weedless lures help prevent snags and ensure your bait reaches the fish, with weedless soft plastics rigged on a Texas or Carolina rig work well. 


Lures that create noise or vibrations, such as spinnerbaits or chatterbaits, can attract aggressive snakeheads by triggering protective instincts, leading to more strikes. Repeated casts to the same area can also provoke a protective strike from territorial snakeheads, so be patient and persistent. Given their strength and aggressive nature, use heavy-duty tackle with a strong rod, durable line, and a reliable reel to help manage these powerful fish.


While catching snakeheads can be thrilling, it's essential to recognize their status as an invasive species. Maryland's Department of Natural Resources encourages anglers to remove and kill any snakeheads caught to help control their population. Reporting catches to local authorities can assist in monitoring their spread and impact.


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Looking for more information, inspiration, or a sneak peek into what Maryland has to offer? Explore Fish & Hunt Maryland’s latest articles written by fellow sportsmen and women and local partners, alongside our extensive library of videos available. And if you’re interested in trying your hand at another invasive species, check out Maryland’s new Catfish Trail.

Be sure to acquire your license from the Maryland Department of Natural Resources if you plan on heading out on your own (charter passengers are covered by the captain’s license).  


Visit our Planning Resources page for information on fishing charters and guides, lodging options, marinas, retailers and more. And if you’re up for a quick getaway, be sure to check out Visit Maryland for places to stay, dining, and things to do while you’re here.